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What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and how does it work?
Technoreon 2021-11-11 16:29 SEO 0

With search engine optimization, that is, SEO, the aim is to increase the value of the website, to rank higher in search engines, and therefore to increase the number of site visitors. This is possible by making the websites suitable for the criteria of search engines. A comprehensive SEO study is done by considering all these search engine criteria, the overall appearance, and the content of the site.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization, also known by SEO, is the process that determines the rules that businesses should follow in order to improve the search results of their websites. SEO can be done both on-site and off-site.

SEO, which plays an important role among digital marketing techniques, is the whole of technical and strategic studies applied in line with search engine quality guidelines in order to improve the position of a website in search engines, to provide a unique user experience to site visitors, and to improve organic traffic to the site both in terms of quality and quantity.

Why is it Important to Rank Higher in Search Engines?

Today, when online competition comes to the fore, you must have a digital marketing plan with well-defined targets in order to differentiate from your competitors with your products, services, and corporate identity and to gain a superior position. Among the digital marketing factors that strengthen your business's online presence, search engine optimization, SEO undoubtedly has the most important place.

You can improve your position in the SERPs and increase your brand awareness and visibility in the digital world, thanks to the search engine optimization you will make or have done on your website. This means you will get more organic hits to your website and more customers to your business. It is an effective digital marketing technique that you can use to reach your financial goals faster and increase the value of your brand.

In order for your website to be listed at the top of the search engines with a high user density on a global scale such as Google, Bing, and Yandex and to provide organic hits from these channels, you must fulfill the instructions expected by the site administrators, follow the current ranking factors, and make continuous improvement studies on your website by doing keywords research and updating the content regularly.

How is SEO Done?

“How to do SEO?” to achieve a successful position in search engines. It is of great importance to work with SEO agencies, which consist of people who have been trained in SEO Expertise, have experience, and also have serious references. An unconscious and amateurish SEO work can cause losses in terms of time, finance, and prestige.

“How to do SEO?” Even if you don't know, it will put you in an advantageous position if you have the basics of SEO to make the right choice about the person or agency that will optimize your website, to have an idea about their work, and keep control.

Before starting search engine optimization studies, it is vital to determine the goals to be achieved with the improvements to be made and to create a strategic SEO plan suitable for these goals. A search engine optimization process, which is started without a roadmap, may not be successful and may result in time and financial losses.

SEO refers to a strategy-oriented holistic digital marketing effort. When optimizing a website for search engines, many interrelated criteria are considered. The basic elements of SEO are examined in two main categories that complement each other, namely on-site and off-site optimization processes.

In both on-site search engine optimization studies and off-site optimization processes, the most important criteria you need to focus on for the long-term SERP success of your website is to act with an approach that keeps the user experience at the center by providing quality, originality, relevance, and diversity.

How to do On-Site SEO?

On-Site SEO is the primary process of search engine optimization. With the arrangements and improvements made within the site, compliance with Google criteria is ensured. Thanks to internal SEO, preparation for external SEO processes is provided and at the same time, search engine spiders are provided with a more accurate and cleaner reading of the site.

There are 10 important criteria valid for all search engines on the basis of on-site SEO studies to rank higher in SERPs:

  1. On-site SEO Parameters: These are the parameters that convey to the search engines what the created web page is about through Meta Title, Meta Description, and Meta Tags (tags, keywords).
  2. Heading Tags: H1, H2,…H6 header tags are among the most important on-page search engine optimization criteria, which send a signal to search engines about the subject and hierarchical structure of a website's content and enable users to browse the page more easily.
  3. URL Structure: The SEO-friendly URL should contain the keyword or phrase of primary importance on the page and should be kept as short as possible. Words in the URL should be separated by a hyphen (-) sign and no spaces should be left between characters.
  4. Media Usage: Enriching the written content and subject with images, videos, and infographics, with alt tags relevant to the content of the page.
  5. Content Factor: Unique content production is an important element of on-page SEO. The originality of the content, the value and benefit it offers to the reader, as well as the use of keywords that summarize the topic with a balanced density ratio directly affect the search engine ranking of the page.
  6. Responsive Design: With the development of technology, site visits are made from many different devices in mobile and desktop categories. Today, search engines that focus on user experience reward sites with responsive themes that offer ease of access from any type of device. You can visit our other article about web design where you can identify the criteria to be followed to get a professional website that is not only SEO-friendly but also user-friendly.
  7. Site Speed: Due to its positive contribution to user experience, the loading time of page elements, in other words, site speed, is among the most important ranking factors of Google and other popular search engines.
  8. Internal Link Structure: Hyperlinks created from a page to a different page within the site, also called intra-site link building, over a suitable keyword, URL, or image. A balanced internal link network positively affects the SERPs.
  9. Structured Data: In the most general sense, structured data means organized (structured) information (data). A primary purpose of structured data is to convey certain information about a web page. Thus, it becomes possible for your results to be displayed as rich results in Google's search results. With structured data, search engines don't need to use algorithms to know that something is a product image or title. The structured data tells them all the data and provides information about the content of the page.
  10. Keyword Density: Attention should be paid to the use of keywords in SEO form compatible content writing. It is important to use keywords in the right place and at the right time. Too many keywords are detected by Google as spam. There should be a relation between your keyword count and the article's word count.

    A maximum of 10-15 keywords should be used for an article of 1500 words in total. The presence of a keyword within 50 words in the first paragraph of your article also affects your ranking.

What is off-page SEO and how is it done?

Another term of SEO to gain a better position in search engine results pages is off-site SEO applications. Backlinks, social media and digital PR studies to increase brand visibility and awareness have an important place on the basis of off-site search engine optimization processes.

As with all SEO steps, in off-site optimization applications, you can increase search engine rankings with the steps to be taken based on balance, creativity, stability, originality, quality, and benefit to the user. Thus, you can have a positive and lasting effect on SERP performance, especially by strengthening the digital authority of your online property.

  1. Backlink Building: We are talking about backlinks to your target page from similar sites related to your industry and topic, using URL address, keyword or image. Backlinks that strengthen the target page, when applied in a balanced way, provide great benefits to SEO applications and help you to rank higher in search engine results.
  2. Social Media Content: It is an off-site SEO method that affects search engine rankings, where you can share important developments, services, products, campaigns, and newly created web pages about your brand on your social media accounts, with or without backlinks.

When off-site SEO works are done by producing unique content that is creative, remarkable, user-oriented, and offers benefit and value, the target audience domain expands naturally, increasing organic site traffic, increase in search engine rankings, and reaching the planned targets faster in conversion rates, which is the ultimate goal.

Is On-Page Seo Or Off-Page Seo Important?

Choosing between on-page SEO and off-page SEO is like choosing between engine and wheels for a car. Therefore, both must be done in the best way. They work complementary to each other.

Seo experts warn everyone to focus on on-page SEO work rather than off-page SEO work. When a car company makes a car, it first makes the chassis, then the engine, and finally the seats. There is no car company that makes the seats first and then builds the body of the car according to the seat.

SEO work is not a job that is done once and then never looked at. SEO work is dynamic work that is constantly changing and transforming.

Who Does SEO? Do You Need Training To Do SEO?

SEO should be done by people who work regularly and programmatically, are self-educated in research, have analytical thinking, follow-up, are good at project development, have better communication and cooperation, and have ethical working principles. An SEO Specialist who lacks any of these features, even if he is strong in terms of theoretical and technical knowledge, will not be able to provide 100% performance to the company he serves.

The fact that the SEO specialist is trained in classical marketing and digital marketing plays an important role in the quality of his work. A trained and experienced SEO consultant, who has technical knowledge of basic software and coding, will produce fast and effective solutions for finding and eliminating on-site SEO errors.

Technoreon, with its senior SEO team, helps you improve your website traffic, increase conversion rates, and improve your brand visibility. With SEO plans and packages, it is ensured that your existing services and products on your site will appear in higher results in Google searches, as well as reach more traffic and more potential customers.

With Technoreon, the sector values you serve are examined. Your competitors and sectoral volumes are evaluated. Targets are set according to the competitive intensity and search volume potentials in the sector. WE TURN CLICKS INTO CLIENTS.

Note: We build your website, you should ensure that all SEO Tools and codes are included, Technoreon Web Design Packages provide you with all pre-built tools and widgets to assist you in ranking better in search engines. Thus, everything is already included when you start developing your website with Tehcnoreon.

Tehcnoreon has consultants specialized in search engine optimization who are able to use SEO tools effectively, have comprehensive knowledge of search engines' site indexing issues, and closely follow algorithm updates. They have both knowledge and experience in using online SEO tools to analyze keyword density and competitor strategies.



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